Sunday 6 November 2016



E.LUNI part of the FREESTELL crew has been doing her thing for 4 years now and is a well known rapper in Seoul. You can always find her and her crew busking in around Seoul. She is one of the few better MC's/Rappers out here today! We managed to get her to tell us more about herself and what she is currently busy with. - Ferd Isaacs

Where in Korea are you from? 
I'm from Seoul.
(서울 출신입니다.)

How did you get your rap name and what is it's meaning?
My real name.
( 진짜 이름입니다.)

How long have you been rapping?
It's been about four years since I started rapping seriously. Before that I drew a lot. Rap was my hobby when I was a teenager. But I thought if I grew up and never tried to do music I would regret it. So thats why I started.
(본격적으로 시작한건 4년정도 됐어요 전에는 그림을 그렸었고 랩은 10   취미였어요.
그런데 성인이 되고 어느순간 갑자기 음악을 안하면 엄청나게 후회할  같다는 생각이 들었어요그래서 시작했어요.)

Describe your style of rapping?
I like melody rap. So I usually put a melody in my rap. But my style isn't fixed. Im always looking to try new things.
(저는 멜로디랩을 좋아해요그래서 저는 주로 랩에 멜로디를 넣어요근데  한가지 스타일만 고집하고싶진 않아서 항상 새로운 시도를 많이 해보려고 해요.)


Which artists/rappers/singers do you look up to?
I get this question a lot. When I was a teenager I enjoyed music by members of the crew "Movement" They don't make as much music anymore and they work individually. But I still like them. It's hard for me to say who is my favorite. And if I think the music is good it doesn't matter who the artist is, I just like good music.
( 질문은 정말 많이 들었어요
10 때는 "무브먼트라는 크루 멤버들의 노래를 많이 들었어요지금은 크루 활동은 없지만 각자의 자리에서 계속 활동 하고있고 저는 여전히  분들의음악을 좋아해요
항상 어려운 질문인  같아요저는  어떤 가수어떤 랩퍼를 좋아한다고 말하기는  어렵고 그냥 노래가 좋으면  듣는 편이에요.)

What is your date of birth?
December 11, 1992

What is your Facebook/Instagram/Twitter links?
                     Crew :
Instagram - e.luni 
Soundcloud -


Are you working on any new music?
These days I've been busy making an album with my crew members. 
(요새는 크루 멤버들과 앨범 작업을 하고있어요.)

Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?
I’m currently working with a label. So I feel like if I just working hard you'll be able to see me on the big stage someday. 
(현재 레이블에 소속 되어있어요그래서 꾸준하게 열심히만 한다면  무대에서 공연하는 저를   있게 되지 않을까 싶어요.)

Any last words for the people or your fans out there?
I’m gonna continue to try and make good music for everyone. Thanks! 
(앞으로도 좋은 음악 많이 들려드리겠습니다감사합니다!)

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